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Sunday 20 November 2022

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Friday 18 November 2022

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Sunday 6 November 2022

Magazine for working women



meri saheli magazine subscription Prelitigation mediation It should be made optional and introduced in phased manner instead of introducing it with immediate effect for all civil and commercial disputes. o Compulsory provision of prelitigation mediation should be reconsidered and it should be offered as an option to only those who are willing to mediate. meri saheli magazine yearly subscription Mediation Council in states Mediation councils should be instituted in the States as well and these State Mediation Councils should function under overall superintendence direction and control of MCI meri saheli magazine price.    

Friday 4 November 2022

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published Article TPDS has failed in transferring cereals from surplus to deficit regions Prior to targeting PDS distribution reflected demand as it was more attractive in areas of low cereal production low cereal consumption and high cereal prices. The policy of targeting and allocation of grain on the basis of the income poverty line has worked against the earlier objective of price stabilisation through grain movements across the country. Further in the universal PDS automatic stabilisation was ensured as demand for grain from fair price shops increased at a time when the gap between the PDS price and the market price rose. Again in the new system with APL priced out of the PDS and BPL quotas low and fixed the ability to undertake stabilisation has been weakened.griha shobha magazine in hindi

Thursday 3 November 2022

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 competition success magazine subscription Since housing is a part of the State List under the 7th Schedule of the Constitution Model Act is only a suggestive framework (not binding) for states to follow while regulating rental housing and agreements.competition success magazine It replaces existing tenancy provisions of more than 70 years old East Punjab Urban Rent Restriction Act 1949. o As per Census 2011 nearly 1.1 crore houses were lying vacant in country and making these houses available on rent will complement the vision of Housing for All by 2022.  Key highlights of MTA 2021 Specifications Detail Applicability competition success review magazine price 

Friday 28 October 2022

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The Indian Express covered a special case of Purulia District West Bengal. Reports stated that people had been forced out of poverty to use their PDS ration cards as collateral for amounts that they borrowed years ago In Jharkhand and Bihar pratiyogita darpan english yearly subscription Complaints are coming in that ration dealers arent giving the people the entire amount and are confiscating the ration cards of people. Almost a month into the lockdown 865 PDS dealers find themselves in the dock in Jharkhand — 297 have had their licence suspended nine have had their dealerships cancelled 524 have been issued showcause notices and 44 face FIRs pratiyogita darpan english magazine price .

Tuesday 25 October 2022

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IMPACTS OF NRI VOTINGThere are 10 million Indian citizens staying abroad this means an astonishing average of 18000 votes per constituency may get polled from abroad.arihant current affairs magazine monthly These additional votes if polled will obviously play a crucial role in state and general election. The 10thAnnual Status of Education Report (ASER) 2014 released by the Pratham Educational Trust flags gaps between input and outcome in elementary education arihant monthly current affairs magazine subscription.

Friday 21 October 2022

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Thursday 20 October 2022

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shine india monthly magazine subscription Rights are precursors to Duties: Without basic dignity and fulfillment of rights, individuals can’t perform their duties. ○ E.g. Without fulfillment of the Right to education, duties of respecting others rights, social justice, gender equality etc. are difficult to expect. Different legal status: Justiciability is a key feature of rights. Rights can be enforced through writ of the court or remedy can be sought. But duties are non-enforceable. They only guide or aid to interpret constitutional and legal issues (AIIMS Students Union v. AIIMS, 1983). Provide a potential leeway to State from its responsibilities: Protection of Rule of law and human rights is a state responsibility for which it enjoys special powers under laws. E.g., non-fulfillment of duties cannot be given as a reason for non-enforcement of rights. Risks of subordination: In a democracy, the fundamental unit of the constitution is an individual. Equal focus on duties carries risk of individual subordination to collective will. Vague and Subjective Nature: Another issue is the vague nature of duties and its clash with certain religious principles. E.g., the noble ideals of our freedom struggle cover a wide diversity and at times conflicting interpretations with other principles.shine india monthly magazine  Way Forward To preserve human rights and dignity, a minimum balance alongside independent application should be maintained by- State accepting its primary responsibility for the promotion and protection of human rights irrespective of fulfillment of duties by citizens. Meeting the minimum core rights of each citizen such as the ESC right of individual to ensure an adequate standard of living before any duties. o Independent Human Rights Institutions for monitoring State institutions(police, judiciary or civil administration) on fulfillment of their obligations to protect human rights and prevent violations. Deepening the roots of democracy to address the fundamental issues of inequality, intolerance etc. based on caste, creed, religion, region etc. minimizing risks of subordination of rights and maximizing the possibility of fulfillment of duties. Creating a basic charter for people to cultivate constitutional morality and create responsible citizens. As Article 29 (1) of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights says, “Everyone has duties to the community in which alone the free and full development of his personality is possible” shine india monthly magazine telugu


Tuesday 18 October 2022

a very much useful and updated magazine

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mahindra current affairs magazine Security concerns The THMCN infrastructure initiative will pass near Lumbini which is close to the Indian border and has raised concerns from Indian strategists.Environmental impacts Infrastructure projects run through fragile alpine ecosystems and carving up the land for roads and tunnels could exacerbate landslides and floods in the upper Himalayan states in India.mahendra current affairs magazine subscription  The new roads will also open up access for illegal loggers and help fuel the trade in endangered species such as parts from tigers rhinos and elephants which are highly prized in China. Way ahead for India mahendra current affairs magazine free download

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mahindra current affairs magazine Impact on relations with Nepal Landlocked Nepal has traditionally relied on India for trade and transit routes. Now Chinas infrastructure diplomacy has promised growth and development while also providing Nepal with alternative trading routes that ameliorate its reliance on India. mahendra current affairs magazine subscription Chinas growing influence in Nepal could be a significant challenge for India to maintain a balance between the two neighbours.Challenging Indias role in South Asia By helping create multiple access points via roads and ports China can present an alternative to South Asian nations and cultivate the means to challenge Indias role as a South Asian power mahendra current affairs magazine free download.

Thursday 13 October 2022

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Wednesday 12 October 2022

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Its functions include registration of mediators and recognising mediation service providers and mediation institutes (which train educate and certify mediators). Mediated settlement agreement  Agreements resulting from mediation (other than community mediation) will be final binding and enforceable in same manner as court judgments.  They may be challenged on grounds of fraud corruption impersonation. International mediation  griha shobha magazine in hindi

Monday 10 October 2022

Article on the 75th page of the magazine


arihant current affairs magazine The Haryana Government decided to provide all BPL families their monthly ration for April free of cost. All government school children and those enrolled in anganwadis were to be given dry rations. arihant current affairs magazine monthly The Chhattisgarh Government issued an order to provide dry ration instead of hotcooked meals to children aged between three and six years and who were registered with anganwadi centres 

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